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Cottage Village Co-op: Now Accepting Applications

SquareOne Villages

We recently completed the final four units at Cottage Village, a permanently affordanly tiny home co-op located in Cottage Grove, Oregon.

This means the Cottage Village Co-op is currently accepting applications for four open units. Applications must be received by 3:00pm on Thursday 7/1/21 to be considered.

Monthly carrying charges are $350 to $500 per month depending on unit size. Cottage Grove residents (current or in past year) and people currently unhoused or cost-burdened (paying more than half their income on rent) will be prioritized for all four units. Two of the units will prioritize applicants in need of ADA-accessible housing and families with children. More information about the available units can be found in the application packet.

More about Cottage Village Co-op:

The mission of the Cottage Village Cooperative (CVC) is to provide an accessible and sustainable housing option for people with low-incomes in a stable community setting that:

  • values and encourages community, creativity, diversity, civility, cooperation, and accountability among its members and its neighbors

  • assesses carrying charges (rent) at levels affordable to people earning very low- incomes

  • provides opportunity for its members to learn skills such as consensus decision making, conflict resolution, home repair, and gardening

  • promotes cooperative and affordable housing in the community at large

An application to become a Member of CVC is more than just an application for a cheap place to live. This is different from conventional rental housing. CVC is a housing cooperative that depends on the participation of its members in all aspects of its management and maintenance. By banding together we can build a model for others to follow.

Participation requirements: In addition to paying monthly carrying charges, members must:

  • Contribute 8 hours of work per month in the management of the property

  • Attend and participate in the monthly meetings of the General Membership

  • Participate in committee work on a regular basis (3 meetings per month)


How to apply: Download an application packet, OR pick one up from the brochure box posted at the mailboxes on the CVC property, located near 1404 E. Madison in Cottage Grove. Submit applications to the drop box at the CVC mailboxes. Applications can also be mailed to SquareOne Villages at 15 N. Polk St. Eugene, OR 97402; or emailed to

Email questions to, or leave a message at 541/649-1665.




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