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Opportunity Village Needs List - Winter 2016

SquareOne Villages

Below you'll find a listing of items we're in need of around the village. If you are able to help, items can delivered in person or by mail to:

Opportunity Village Eugene

111 N. Garfield St.

Eugene, OR 97402

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Default list (always needed):

  1. bandaids

  2. first aid kits

  3. ibuprofin

  4. vitamin C

  5. benadryl

  6. shampoo & conditioner

  7. hand soap

  8. bath soap, body wash, other toiletries

  9. adult clothing in good condition

  10. new socks

  11. light bulbs

  12. large garbage bags

  13. cleaning supplies

  14. dish soap

  15. paper towels

  16. kleenex

  17. hand sanitizer

  18. pens

  19. printer paper

  20. dry erase markers

  21. AA batteries

  22. 9V batteries

  23. Kilz mold killer paint

  24. paint rollers and brushes

  25. rubber gloves

  26. masks (for painting safely)

  27. blankets

  28. bath towels

  29. laundry detergent

  30. flashlights

  31. rechargeable/solar lights

  32. USB battery packs

  33. mops, brooms, dustpan

One-time needs:

  1. door mats

  2. couches

  3. standing dry erase board

  4. winter blankets

  5. single hot plates

  6. radiator style electric heater (oil-filled)

  7. mop bucket with mop-wringer

  8. Large crock pot with removable crock interior (for safe washing)

  9. plant starts for winter garden (lettuces, greens) and cold-hardy decorative perennials

  10. gift cards for Dutch Bros or other stocking stuffers

  11. saucepans (small and medium)

  12. small coolers

  13. ice-packs for coolers

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