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Micro-housing + Micro-business

SquareOne Villages

MAPLE Microdevelopment, a Eugene-based non-profit organization, has joined SquareOne Villages to assist residents of Emerald Village achieve financial sustainability!

MAPLE began in 2006 as a microfinance research group started by students and their faculty advisor at the University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business. Since then, MAPLE has established two international branches—the first working with villagers in post-conflict Northern Uganda starting in 2008, and the second working with indigenous Mapuche communities in Northern Patagonia, Chile, starting in 2013. Together with the communities we serve, MAPLE co-designs locally-managed saving and loan groups, helps community members gain employment skills and start microbusinesses, and provides education in financial literacy and business development.

MAPLE differs from most development organizations in the extent to which we work with those least served by existing financial organizations and the extent to which we involve community members in every step of the decision-making process. For these reasons, our values and mission overlap strongly with those of SquareOne. We are excited to join SquareOne Villages and its residents to provide a viable and sustainable option to homelessness in Eugene, in Oregon, and in America.

Learn more about MAPLE at:

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